Goin’ down the road…

Jamie Ridler asks her wonderful Wishcasting Wednesday question, “What path do you wish to follow?”

And a song pops into my head…

The line, “I ain’t gonna be treated thisaway.” strikes a chord in me.

That’s the path i wish to follow. Self understanding, self nurturing, self respect. But “sometimes people just want to be critical” and i am reminded of Christine Kane‘s email in my inbox this morning which speaks to just this thing.

Christine explains, “Criticism is never about you. It’s always about the person doing the criticizing.” And so i wish to consciously, mindfully realize that when those painful memories pop up, or when i feel hurt by someone’s words. I wish to give them back to the Universe realizing that i don’t have to own their hurt, their anger, their self-righteous, judgemental attitude…nor do i have to feel compelled to heal their hurt either.

Oh yes, one more thing…again prompted by Christine, “Give up criticizing!” Exactly so, i will wish to stroll away softly, breathing deeply and completely, when i feel compelled to criticize, judge, or give advice that was not asked for. Letting go of that need to fix things, to make peace by bending with every slight breeze that blows my way, i hold fast to my own dreams, my own life…and be at peace.

And lastly i wish to go down that wonderful path with friends who love me unconditionally…especially when they have 4 feet and greet me with a bright doggy smile!

I am looking forward to this Fall hiking with my honey, kicking the leaves, inhaling that wonderful healing scent of the forest, the waves, and the open air.

Join me, join us, and cast your wish today!

35 thoughts on “Goin’ down the road…

  1. As you wish for yourself, I wish for you also!

    Love it and can totally relate! I recently spent time with a very judgmental person who was so unhappy. I am trying to let go of doing that myself now. It’s very liberating, isn’t it?

    Thank you for your kind comments today and always. It really helped. Thanks for seeing me and helping me reconnect with my life.

    • Yes, it does seem to be universal to accept someone’s critical judgement of our lovely selves as less than wonderful, doesn’t it. And of course, some people have perfected it as an artform. Whenever you need to remember that just picture a perfect pair of pears. Luscious! I’ve been collecting acorns for a wee neighbour and am amazed at how different each one is though they are all from the same tree. And they are all amazing! Just as each of us is amazing. Thanks so much for encouraging me, Suzie. It’s wonderful to have a supportive and thoroughly amazing Tribe to belong to.

  2. Okay…LOVING Woodie Guthrie right along with you! I absolutely adore your wish. I think I should print out your whole post and stick it on my fridge. thanks for reminding me that I don’t have to own someone else’s criticism…I needed to hear that!
    Wishing you a huge positive and loving path leading right to your heart! As you wish for yourself – I wish for you also!

  3. I love that your wish is about non-accepting criticism and also not giving it – both side of the coin! A wonderful wish! Enjoy your Fall hiking – love Fall too – such beautiful colors! As you wish for yourself, so I wish for you!!

  4. I kept going back to reread your post because you said so many important things and than I read, “Let go of that need to fix things.” It was the message I needed to see today. Thank you. As you wish for yourself, I wish for you as well.

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